Notice: Those who have passed on in the last few years include:
More information can be obtained by contacting Christi Kendrick Millet at
The Kendrick family name is found in several widely spread regions of the world and in particular to us, the United States. This branch came to Texas in the mid 1800's from Georgia. Currently we trace back to James and Susannah (Roberson) Kendrick, parents of Burwell Kendrick who was born in 1760-62 in North Carolina.
For those who would like to see if we link into your branch of the family, try looking in the Kendrick Family Tree on this site, following the lineage of Burrell Jones Kendrick, 23 Sep 1824 - 13 Apr 1912. We have a fair amount of historical data and welcome information exchange and fellowship with other branches.
A reunion is held every other year (since 1962) and is open to all interested parties. Please contact the family officers or use the Comments section for further information.
Family Documents on CD-ROM
This project potentially has many phases. The documents and photos that are in the James M. Kendrick (Conroe, TX) branch have all been digitized. This includes images of people not in this immediate branch. If you would like your branch to be represented, please contact Jeff Kendrick by email at There will be many more images available in the near future... stay tuned.
The material presented in this space is furnished on a voluntary basis by descendants of the Kendrick family primarily. This shouldn't discourage anybody who feels they have something to add.
Materials that can be added are photos, articles describing events featuring the descendants of the Kendrick line, web information such as genealogy sites, personal profiles of ancestors, etc.
Email address for the Web site administration
Current Family Officers:
Evan Kendrick * Reunion Presidente -
Susan Sheeren, * Vice President
Tom Kendrick * Secretary - Treasurer
Send comments and suggestions to
Copyright Jeff Kendrick
Last revised: June 21, 2015 .